Version Compare

Version compare


Use a builtin function from the manual (opens in a new tab)

version_compare('1.0.1', '1.0.0')

What is it?

Software versioning, typically following the Semantic Versioning system and it involves three components: MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH.

For every new release, one of these components is incremented.

In a practice, it could be useful to check system requirements, like package or PHP version of an environment. Even more, compatibility of Front- and Back-end could be validated, like, checking the minimum compatible front-end version from a request.


Checkin minimum PHP version.

$version = phpversion();
echo $version . PHP_EOL;
$min_version = "8.2.1";
if (version_compare($version, $min_version) < 0) {
    throw new RuntimeException('You have an old PHP version');